Page 10 - Dresden Buzz 06-28-24
P. 10

PAGE 10 |  SPORTS                                                                                                         JUNE 28 - JULY 11, 2024
        Tri-Valley Scottie Football History…                                              by Gregg Meadows

        The First TVHS Scottie football team - from the fall of 1966 (Class of 1967). Front row: (l-r) Tim Holt, Jim Grimes, Terry Graves, Roy Preston, Allen Minnich, John Eckstein, Terry Morgan,
        Tim Riley, Ron Riggle, Tom Priest, Jake Cronin, Terry Clark, and Jim Little. Second row: Frank Scott, Dave Knicely, Dennis Miller, Dave Sheets, Roger Thomas, Tim Nichols, Kari Kessler, Tom
        Starner, John Swank, Bill Bice, Mike Bebout, Steve Evec, Frank Felix, Jerry Moore, and Darryl Miller. Third row: Asst Coaches Ron Glass and Sam Andy, Mike King, Dave Leisure, Jon Roberts,
        Rich Robison, Art Wagner, Larry Shesky, John Hindel, Tim Fell, Bill Roberts, Tom Fell, Clarence Green, Steve Roberts, Rick Bunting, Tom Aronhalt, Clarence Sidwell, Dave Duffy, and David
        Hockenberry.   from the 1967 TVHS Yearbook

                                                                                 a  Scottie football  program  that in  its  football coach, Justin Buttermore’s leg-
             Hopes are high for the upcoming season for fifth-year Tri-Valley football coach Cam   38-year  existence, had  just  one  claim  acy  was complete, and  his legendary
         West and his Scotties, who return a majority of starters at the skill positions, and on both   to fame - its 1989  Muskingum Valley  status retained for as long as they play
         sides of the line of scrimmage as well, from last year’s 9-3 MVL title team.   League  gridiron  title -  and  was  known  football at Jack Anderson Stadium.
             So what better time than to take a capsuled look at Tri-Valley football history, through   as ‘the football team from a basketball     Kevin Fell took over for Coach Justin
         the eyes of someone who has seen, played, and reported on Scottie pigskin exploits for all   school”.        Buttermore at the beginning of the 2018
         but three years of the school’s 58-year existence, Dresden Buzz Sports contributor Gregg      For the record – up until the Butter-  football season. Fell came in with a ca-
         Meadows.                                                                more hire - Scottie football owned a 158-  reer coaching  mark that included  273
             Meadows will also be contributing additional TVHS Sports history articles to the Dres-  212-8 record (an average of under five  career wins and a state  title  with Del-
         den Buzz through the remainder of the summer months.                    wins per season in its near four decades  phos Jefferson back in 1986. In his first
                                                                                 of existence at Muskingum County’s big-  season in Dresden, he took the Scotties
                                                                                 gest  school) starting with the  school’s  into  yet  another  playoff  season  with  a
            In the fall of 1966, three school sys-  22-2 record in his five seasons at TVHS.  first  football  team  in  the  fall  of  1966  10-2 record, and an MVL title, then led
        tems - in alphabetical order, Adamsville,     Veteran  football  coach and  Zanes-  thru the fall of 2003’s third straight 2-8  TV to a 7-3 record in his second season
        Dresden and Frazeysburg, came togeth-  ville native William Damsel proved to be   mark.                       before retiring from the coaching ranks
        er as one to form the Tri-Valley School  a one-year wonder for Tri-Valley football,      Buttermore’s Scotties  had a brief,  in the offseason after two years in Dres-
        District, under the leadership of Super-  leading the Scotties to a respectable 6-4   two-year ‘maturation period’, going 3-7  den.
        intendent Norbert Kurtz, and legendary  season in the fall of 1974, his only sea-  and 4-6 in his first two seasons.     TVHS Athletic Hall of Famer Camer-
        principal  Jack  Anderson - the  former  son in Dresden.                     But in  his  third  season,  in  the fall  on West was named head football coach
        Jefferson High School principal - whose     Damsel gave way to another Zanes-  of  2006,  it  all  fell  into  place, with  the  for the Scotties in 2020 to replace Kevin
        name is on our football stadium.     ville  product  the following  year,  Ken   school’s first winning football season in  Fell.  During his time as quarterback at
            John  Krichbaum  was tasked with  ‘Butch’ Wilson, who guided the Tri-Valley   13  years  -  and  most  significantly  -  it’s  TVHS,  Coach West guided  Tri-Valley to
        handling  the head  coaching  duties  of  football program for four seasons, head-  first-ever  OHSAA  state  playoff  appear-  their  first  playoff  appearance  (2006)
        the first Tri-Valley football team, as ex-  ing the Scottie gridiron classes of 1976-  ance,  when the  Scotties  faced  pigskin  and playoff win (2007).
        citement was high in the Tri-Valley area  79.                            powerhouse Dover in ‘Week 11’ (an un-     West, who earned  All-Ohio  acco-
        for the first season of Scotties football.     In  the  fall  of 1979,  Tri-Valley wel-  heard phrase at TVHS up until then) on  lades as a player in football and base-
            The  personable  Coach Krichbaum  comed back a familiar face, Jim Kaser,   the  Tornadoes  fabled  Crater Stadium  ball  at TVHS, continued  his winning
        would  lead  the  Scotties  for  their  first  who was a former assistant at Tri-Valley.    field.            ways after high school.  He  spent four
        three gridiron seasons, enjoying his best  Coach Kaser enjoyed a 19-year stay in      Despite the disappointing 49-14  years as a defensive back at Division III
        year  in  his  final  season  in  the  fall  of  Dresden, winning 91 games and guiding   defeat (starting Scottie junior QB stand-  power Mount  Union,  where he earned
        1968, leading TVHS to a record of 6-3-1.  the Scotties to several winning seasons,   out Cam West left the game in the first  his degree  in  education.  After college,
            In  the fall  of 1969,  Jerry Porteus  including the Scottie’s first MVL title sea-  quarter with  a hip  injury) the wheels  Coach West  eventually  made his way
        would become the second head football  son of 1989, when 9-1 Tri-Valley finished   had been set in motion for what would  back to Dresden where he became a fix-
        coach of the Scotties, leading the Scot-  the season atop the Muskingum Valley   be a meteoric rise of the Tri-Valley foot-  ture on Coach Justin Buttermore’s staff.
        ties for five seasons including the 1971  League  pigskin  standings  for  the  first   ball program that would also rejuvenate  During his tenure as an assistant coach
        season,  which saw the  sad  passing  of  time in school history.        a football-starved community in  Scot-  at Tri-Valley, West was inducted into the
        TVHS principal Jack Anderson, just one     Coach Kaser’s near 20-year tenure   tieland.                       school’s Athletic Hall of Fame in 2016
        month into the new school year.  The  at Tri-Valley was followed by a three year      Starting  with the 2006  season’s  and helped guide the Scotties to a State
        likeable Coach Porteus compiled a 30-  stay  by  the two-platoon  and  offensive-  ‘turnaround’  8-3 squad,  the gridiron  Runner-Up finish in 2017.
                                             minded  Rick  Sharp, who guided  Scot-  Scotties  would dominate play in  the     Coach West enters his fifth season
                                             tie football through the 1998, 99, and   Muskingum  Valley  League  for  the next  this fall at the helm of Scotties football.
                                             2000 seasons, then a one-year visit as   11 seasons.                     In his first four seasons in Dresden, he
                                             head coach -  back to his alma mater -       Coach Buttermore’s Scottie charges  guided his teams to 8-2, 8-3, 9-3, and
                                             by Darrin Waters for the 2001 season.   amassed  an  incredible  90-6  record  in  9-3 records  with MVL  titles earned  in
                                             Waters short stay was followed by a two-  conference play, (which included a  47-  2021, and  last season,  when his grid-
                                             year stint as head coach for the 2002   game Muskingum  Valley  League  win  ironers earned the school’s 13th confer-
                                             and 2003 seasons by the versatile Erin   streak)  nine  league titles, (including  ence pigskin title, captured a Week 11
                                             Nezbeth, who now has Tri-Valley athlet-  the last seven) 10 playoff appearances  post season win at Jack Anderson Sta-
                                             ics covered from A to Z as the school’s   (with an overall 12-10  post season re-  dium over Buckeye Valley, then dropped
                                             most capable athletic director at Musk-  cord), which was all capped by the 2017  a Week 12 nail-biter and heartbreaker
                                             ingum County’s largest school.      season’s magical 13-2 season and state  to host Granville.
                                                In February of 2004, in a long-await-  runner-up  finish,  when  Tri-Valley  came     And that’s a brief history of Tri-Valley
                                             ed effort toward  improving  its football   within  a whisker of a state title after  football – stay tuned!
                                             program, the Tri-Valley School Board of   their 27-19 defeat at the hands of Trot-
                                             Education - spearheaded by the enthu-  wood  Madison  in  the state champion-
                                             siastic and knowledgeable efforts of Su-  ship game  at the  Pro Football  Hall  of
                                             perintendent Doug Spade - approved the   Fame’s Tom Benson Stadium.
                                             hiring of 27-year old Justin Buttermore.       You will get no doubters when stat-
                                             Buttermore  came to  Dresden  with  no   ing that Justin Buttermore indeed built   ADVERTISE IN THE DRESDEN BUZZ.
                                             head coaching experience, but an estab-  an MVL football dynasty in Dresden dur-     740-270-2408
                                             lished  football  pedigree  – as  a  player,   ing his 14-year tenure.
        John  Krichbaum,  1st  TVHS Scottie Football   and as an assistant coach.     With that, and a final career record
        Coach   from the 1967 TVHS Yearbook     Buttermore  was  tabbed  to  head   of 124-38 as the Tri-Valley Scottie head
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