Page 9 - Dresden Buzz 06-28-24
P. 9

JUNE 28 - JULY 11, 2024                                                                                                        SPORTS   | PAGE 9
        Senior Pioneers picked up                                                 Zanesville Post 29 Sr. Legion

        three out of four upping record                                           still holding steady as they

                                                                                  gear up for Findlay                         by Matthew Dotson
        by Matthew Dotson

                                                                                  Vs Marietta Legion Post 64  double-  ing went on to add two more runs and
                                                                                  header (6/23)                       take the lead 4 – 2 in the top of the sev-
                                                                                     In  game one of the  doubleheader  enth inning.   Zanesville  tried  to come
                                                                                  at Gant Stadium  Marietta opened the  back but fell one run shy of a tie and lost
                                                                                  game with a run in the top of the first  the game to Wheeling 4 – 3.
                                                                                  inning taking the lead and holding onto
                                                                                  it until the top of the third inning when  Vs Wheeling Post 1 15U (6/15)
                                                                                  they padded  it with a second taking     On the road to Wheeling on Sunday,
                                                                                  a 2 – 0 lead.  Marietta had a third run  the Legion  Post 29 team was hoping
                                                                                  in the top of the fourth inning, but the  to grab a win after losing to Post 1 the
                                                                                  Zanesville Legion answered back in the  day before.  With the game starting off
                                                                                  bottom of the inning with a single from  with neither pitcher willing to give up a
                                                                                  Wiseman to drive in McClellan followed  run, Zanesville finally broke through to
                                                                                  by a single by King to drive in Huffman  light up the scoreboard in the top of the
                                                                                  narrowing the gap to 3 – 2. In the bot-  third  inning  off of  a  Grandstaff single
                                                                                  tom of the fifth inning, the Legion Post  and  a  sacrifice  fly  by  Hindel  to  gain  a
                                                                                  29 team grabbed a run off of a single  2 – 0 lead. In the top of the fourth in-
                                                                                  by Grandstaff that scored  Better, and  ning, the Legion Post 29 team laid down
                                                                                  a single  from McClellan  that scored  four more runs to take a commanding
                                                                                  Grandstaff taking the lead at 4 – 3.  The  6 – 0 edge.  Wheeling answered back
                                                                                  Legion held their lead til the seventh in-  with one run but was not able to get any
                                                                                  ning and walked away with the win.  more than that and with an additional
                                                                                     The next matchup for the Senior Le-  run  in  the  top  of  the  fifth,  Zanesville
                                                                                  gion Post 29 team will be at Gant Sta-  walked away with a 7 – 1 victory.
                                                                                  dium on Friday, June 28th for a 12:30
                                                                                  pm match against Marietta and a 5:30
                                                                                  pm  match  against  Findlay  Post 3 19U
                                                                                  be sure to get your tickets!

                                                                                  Vs Wheeling Post 1 15U (6/16)
                                                                                     Wheeling Post 1 made  the trip  to
                                                                                  Gant  Stadium  on  Saturday to face the
                                                                                  Legion,  but Zanesville  was ready  for  Made with 100%%
                                                                                  them,  taking  a single run  in  both the
                                                                                  third and fourth inning to lead the game   local news.
                                                                                  2 – 0 until Wheeling tied everything up
                                                                                  at 2 in the top of the fifth inning.  Wheel-

        Wes Carder swings at a fastball from the Junior Pioneers pitcher.   Matthew Dotson

        Vs Pickerington Ducks doublehead-    After two strikeouts for  the  Pioneers
        er (6/23)                            and  a ground  out to second  base,  the
            On Saturday the Pickerington Ducks  Junior Pioneers were back at bat, which
        came to Gant Stadium to face the Pio-  allowed them to  grab  another  run  this
        neers for a doubleheader.  In game one  time Swartz scored  off  of  a  line-drive
        the Pioneers were on fire, taking a 6 –  single  from Coffman  setting their lead
        2 victory over the visiting Ducks.  Game  at 2 – 0.  In the bottom of the fourth in-
        two,  however, was a  different story as  ning, the Pioneers answered back with
        the  Ducks shut out the  Pioneers and  a single from Pauley that led to Lundell
        proceeded to pile up 10 runs including  running  across  home plate to  narrow
        a huge seven-run second inning includ-  the lead to 2 – 1.  The Juniors grabbed
        ing a pair of doubles one by McGrew and  another run in the top of the fifth inning
        the other by Scharbarth.  The final two  off of a single by Teke that brought in
        runs of the game came in the top of the  Blecha setting the score to 3 – 1 Junior
        fifth inning when Shroyer ran in on a sac-  Pioneers.    In  the  bottom  of  the  fifth,
        rifice fly, followed by White who ran in on  Frame doubled to center bringing in Bar-
        a single from Helbing to wrap up game  clay, followed by Neff singling to center
        two with a 10 – 0 score.             to bring home Frame and tie the game
            The Pioneers will  be back at  Gant  at  3 all.   Try as  they might,  the Junior
        Stadium  on Sunday, June  30th  for a  Pioneers couldn’t  pull  off another run
        doubleheader  against  the Westerville  as they struggled through two-and-a-half
        Expos.  Game one starts at 11 am.    scoreless innings.  In the bottom of the
                                             eighth inning, Neff doubled for the Pio-
        Vs Junior Pioneers ( 6/20)           neers bringing in Carder for the walk-off
            Thursday night at the Gant Stadium  win at 4 – 3
        in Zanesville the Pioneers met up with
        Junior Pioneers.  The game started off
        slow with no score for the first two in-
        nings.    The top  of  the third  inning  is
        when things got interesting as the Junior   ADVERTISE IN THE DRESDEN BUZZ.
        Pioneers lit up the scoreboard first with       740-270-2408
        a run by Campbell off of a sacrifice fly by
        Teke that gave the Juniors a 1 – 0 lead.
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