Page 8 - Dresden Buzz 06-28-24
P. 8

PAGE 8 |  SPORTS                                                                                                          JUNE 28 - JULY 11, 2024
                                                                                 Muskingum student-athletes


                                                                                     Muskingum  men’s lacrosse senior                    HEYBOER, an inter-
                                                                                 Spencer  Zecchini,  senior  Trevor  Con-           disciplinary major,  led
                                                                                 nolly, and senior Evan Showler were all            the  team with 42  as-
                                                                                 honored  for  their  academic  excellence          sists and  tallied  19
                                                                                 by being named  to the 2024 College                goals.  She  also  added
                                                                                 Sports  Communicators Academic  All-               19  ground  balls  and
                                                                                 District team.                                     caused  10 turnovers.
                                                                                                                                    She  ranked  fifth  in  the
                                                                                                                                    OAC in assists and 12th
                                                                                                    ZECCHINI, an ac-                in points.
                                                                                               counting major, led the
                                                                                               OAC in  assists (31),
                                                                                               was  second  in  points     Muskingum men’s golf senior Cam-
                                                                                               (76) and  shots (162),  eron Henry and senior Ethan Miller were
                                                                                               and third in goals (45).  honored  for  their  academic  excellence
                                                                                               He  ended his Muskie  by being named  to the 2024 College
                                                                                               career  with  the school  Sports  Communicators Academic  All-
                                                                                               records for most points  District team.
                                                                                               (15) in a game (5 goals
                                                                                 and 10 assists), assists in a game (10),
                                                                                 most goals  in  a season (45), most  as-                HENRY led the
                                                                                 sists in a season (31), and most points            Muskies with a 76-scor-
                                                                                 in a season (76).                                  ing  average  and  fin-
                                                                                                                                    ished in the  top 10 in
                                                                                                                                    five  events,  which  cul-
                                                                                                  CONNOLLY  finished                minated  with  him  fin-
                                                                                               second  in  the OAC in               ishing  fifth  at  the  Ohio
                                                                                               saves  (208),  third  in             Athletic  Conference
                                                                                               the  OAC in  save per-               Championships.   He is
                                                                                               centage (58.1%),  and                an accounting major.
                                                                                               fourth in  the OAC with
                                                                                               goals-against  average
                                                                                               (10.10).  He  started all                 MILLER, a history ma-
                                                                                               17 games in  goal,  re-              jor, logged 16 rounds for
                                                                                               corded 208 saves, and                the Muskies en route to
                                                                                 snared  59  ground  balls.  Connolly  is a         being  a  top-five  golfer
                                                                                 business  management  and  athletics               on  the Muskie  squad
                                                                                 communication double major.                        this season.

                                                                                                  SHOWLER, a criminal
                                                                                               justice  major, helped
                                                                                               anchor  the Muskie de-     Muskingum women’s golf senior Al-
                                                                                               fense with 16 ground  lison Jurkovic and senior Morgan Mullaly
                                                                                               balls  and  13 caused  were honored for their academic excel-
                                                                                               turnovers.             lence by being named to the 2024 Col-
                                                                                                                      lege Sports Communicators Academic
                                                                                                                      All-District team.

                                                                                     Muskingum  women’s lacrosse ju-                      JURKOVIC,  an engi-
                                                                                 nior Riley Hudock, junior Riley Zwager-            neering  major, led the
                                                                                 man, and senior Hannah Heyboer were                Muskies with an  86.2
                                                                                 all  honored  for  their academic  excel-          scoring  average during
                                                                                 lence by being named to the 2024 Col-              13 rounds  of  play  and
                                                                                 lege Sports Communicators Academic                 registered four  top-10
                                                                                 All-District team.                                 finishes in eight events.

                                                                                                     HUDOCK,  an  animal
                                                                                               studies  major,  finished                MULLALY helped an-
                                                                                               the  season with 58                  chor  the  Muskie  top-
                                                                                               goals and eight assists.             five rotation and logged
                                                                                               She also tallied 84 draw             two  top-15  finishes  in
                                                                                               controls,  48  ground                nine  events, including
                                                                                               balls,  and  22  caused              a  third-place  finish  at
                                                                                               turnovers. She  ranked               the OAC Spring Preview.
                                                                                               fifth in the Ohio Athletic           She  is an  early educa-
                                                                                               Conference in  goals                 tion major.
                                                                                 scored, ninth in total points, tied for fifth
                                                                                 in ground balls, grabbed the third most
                                                                                 draw controls,  and  tied for seventh in
                                                                                 caused turnovers.

                                                                                                   ZWAGERMAN scored
                                                                                               21 goals and added 16
                                                                                               assists.  She recorded
                                                                                               59 draw controls, which
                                                                                               ranked 15th  in  the
                                                                                               league,  and  38  ground
                                                                                               balls,  which ranked        New Puzzles
                                                                                               12th in the conference.
                                                                                               She  is an  early child-
                                                                                               hood education major.         on Page 12!
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